2053 personen gevonden.
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Sorteer op: Voornaam Achternaam | Datum | Plaats | Datum | Plaats | |
| Dieleman, Aagtje | * 20 jun 1908 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 12 sep 1909 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aagtje | * 6 mei 1911 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Aaltje 1e X Cornelis de Putter, 2e X Cornelis Scheele | * 8 jul 1867 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 28 jun 1917 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aaltje | * 22 sep 1897 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 15 mrt 1898 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aaltje | * 16 jan 1900 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 28 jun 1900 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aaltje Elisabeth X Abraham Buijze | * 26 jun 1894 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Aaltje Elizabeth | * 13 dec 1890 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 29 mrt 1893 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aarnout | * 31 aug 1885 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 6 okt 1885 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aarnout X Jacomina Dees | * 13 mrt 1881 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 14 mei 1975 | Hoek, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aarnout X Maatje Riemens | * 3 mrt 1873 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 14 mrt 1966 | Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Aarnout | * 2 jun 1910 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Aarnout Petrus | * 4 feb 1889 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 15 feb 1889 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abigaël | ~ 14 okt 1744 | ~ Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 1763 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham | * 30 jul 1866 | * Hoek, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 14 aug 1866 | Hoek, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham 1e X Elisabeth de Blaeij, 2e X Françoise de Jonge | * 2 mei 1846 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 14 nov 1894 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham X Dina Koole | * 7 jun 1865 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 20 mei 1948 | Terneuzen, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham 1e X Adriana Hollebek, 2e X Jacomina Dieleman | * 2 dec 1874 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 27 apr 1956 | Terneuzen, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham X Jozina Bareman | * 3 sep 1916 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Abraham X Pleuntje Ramondt | * 20 nov 1868 | * Hoek, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 15 dec 1959 | Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham X Elisabeth Jansen | * 23 jun 1874 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 8 aug 1932 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham X Janna Johanna Rinn | * 7 jan 1878 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 9 jul 1927 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham X Suzanna Maria Leenhouts | * 11 jul 1907 | * Hoek, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Abraham X Tanneke Dees | * 28 nov 1877 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 11 nov 1966 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham X Elisabeth de Bokx | * 17 jan 1800 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 4 dec 1862 | Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham | * ± 1927 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 31 mrt 1937 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham | * 31 jan 1898 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Abraham | * 27 sep 1851 | * Koewacht, Zeeland, The Netherlands | ||
| Dieleman, Abraham | * 28 feb 1860 | * Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 26 mei 1870 | Zaamslag, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham | * 21 nov 1891 | * Stoppeldijk, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 16 jan 1892 | Stoppeldijk, Zeeland, The Netherlands |
| Dieleman, Abraham | * 6 nov 1882 | * Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands | 14 mei 1924 | Axel, Zeeland, The Netherlands |